Winter Dance 2020
uncsa, 2020

Production Electrician for a show done in a proscenium style road house theatre. The plot for the show was designed for both modern pieces and the third act of the classical ballet, Sleeping BeautyThis in-turn produced a plot that incorporated LEDs, moving lights, UV, and variety of strip and single cell incandescent units used to light drops.
Still Life with rocket
uncsa, 2o19

This was a show unlike any other UNCSA had done before. The show was staged in a shutdown industrial tobacco warehouse, which provided unique challenges for everyone. The main space we occupied only had 440v power available, this meant the introduction of a 3-phase generator.
Fall Dance 2019
uncsa, 2019

Production Electrician for a show where I designed LED Footlights that can be reused on other future shows. In a custom electrical enclosure the LED decoders and power supply set-up was designed with simplicity and flexibility in mind. Allowing it to be used in a variety of LED tape set-ups.
Balm in gilead
uncsa, 2o18

Production Electrician for a show done in Black Box Style venue with a tension grid. Every over-stage pipe position must be created.
Impressions DE PELLEAS
uncsa, 2o18

1st show I was a Production Electrician for. As a sophomore production electrician, this was a challenge because Production Electrician assignments are usually reserved for Juniors and seniors who have completed a full year of stage electrics their sophomore year.

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